Hawaii Lions Foundation
Recipients Resources
American Academy of Ophthalmology -- www.aao.org
Website devoted to Ophthalmology with a patient information and education section.
Cornea Society -- www.corneasociety.org
Website devoted to information on the cornea. Publishes an online newsletter.
National Eye Institute -- www.nei.nih.gov
Website sponsored by the National Institute of Health which focuses on eye care.
Provides free brochures and information.
Transplant Association of Hawaii (TAH) -- See Their Brochure
A non-profit organization supporting issues relating to transplantation and tissue and organ donation.
MOTTEP – Minority Organ and Tissue Transplant Education Program
2041Georgia Ave., NW
Ambulatory Care Center, Suite 3100
Washington DC 20060
A non-profit organization devoted to minority transplant education and support.
National Keratoconus Foundation
8733 Beverly Blvd., Suite 201
Los Angeles, CA 90048
A non-profit educational foundation for issues relating to eye health and cornea transplants.
Transplant Recipients International Organization (TRIO)
1735 I Street, NW Suite 917
Washington D.C., 20006
A support group that advocates awareness and education for transplant recipients.
The Transplant Foundation
8002 Discovery Drive, Suite 310
Richmond, VA 23229
Advocates the rights of transplant recipients.
Transweb.org -- www.transweb.org
The Northern Brewery
1327 Jones Drive Suite 201
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Educational resources concerning transplant issues.
Information provided is subject to change; please call the organization for updates.
Hawaii Lions Eye Bank and Makana Foundation does not endorse any particular group nor is responsible for their actions, ideas or methods.